
Friday, November 17, 2017

The College Credit Card-Lower APR, Whereas More Spent?

The Fine Print on College Credit Cards

College credit cards are the credit cards that have been particularly designed for college students.  College credit cards are more popularly recognized as student credit cards.  College credit cards allow the students to feel the benefits of credit cards much earlier in their life.  Through college credit cards, the college students are able to find out more about credit cards and their use.  In fact, for most of the pupils, their college credit card is their first credit card that acts as a gateway to the world of credit cards.  Some other students might have previously used supplementary credit cards linked to
their father’s credit card account; all the same, for such students too, their college credit card is the first one that is truly theirs.

College credit cards are not very different from other types of credit cards in the basic sense; they operate in the same way as any credit card would.  However, there are some differences, which basically arise from the fact that college credit cards are used by people who have no prior experience with credit cards and who maybe don’t understand the concept of credit cards completely.  Hence, the credit card supplier is at risk with putting out credit cards (college credit cards) to such people whom he is not sure about.  Most of the students don’t suffer a credit history either.  In such a lawsuit, the supplier of college credit card cannot be sure of receiving the credit card bill payments in time (and even receiving them at all).  To counter such risks, the supplier of college credit card requires the
parent of the student to co-sign the college credit card application form as a warrantee.  Moreover, the credit limit on college credit cards is generally around $500-$1000 per month, which is lower than what it is for other credit cards (this credit limit is mostly sufficient to fulfil the typical needs of a student). Another risk mitigation instrument used by the college credit card suppliers is the interest rate or APR. The APR on college credit cards is generally higher than that for other credit cards. Again, this is done to dissuade the students from overspending on their college credit card (and finally not being able to pay their credit card bills).

Even so, if we were to look at these impositions in a positive sense, we would find that these are actually in favor of the student (who is still getting trained to take on the real world of credit cards). 
Moreover, college credit cards also help the students in building a (good) credit history which is another important benefit that becomes handy when the student needs any type of loan at a later stage in his/her life.

So, college credit cards are really something that every student should consider going for.

Bad credit, Worse - The Credit Card Application, and Shiestiest Payment Histories

The Bad Credit Character, and Their Credit Card Application

“Bad credit card card” is used to refer to credit cards that can be scored even with a bad credit rating.  The bad credit card cards provide opportunity to people (with bad credit rating) to ameliorate their credit rating.  In that sense, bad credit credit cards act as rescuer for such masses.  So, bad credit credit cards also play as necessary a training ground for peop
le who have not been able to control their spending urge in the past.

Bad credit card cards ordinarily known as secured credit cards.
 The bad credit card card (or secured credit cards) requires the individual to open up an account with the credit card supplier and maintain some cash balance in the account. Why is that required? Well, credit cards are a business for the credit card suppliers; so how can they trust someone who has defaulted on his/her payments in the past? After all, a business is about profits and such risks are a threat to profits. The bank or the credit card supplier will generally pay interest on the balance in your account. However, it’s best to check this with the bad credit card card supplier/bank. The credit limit on the bad credit card card is determined by the cash balance in the account and is generally between 50-100% of the cash balance. These bad credit card cards are also referred to as debit cards, owing to the fact that they work less in a credit-giving manner and more in a debit-giving manner.

There are plenty of bad credit card cards available in the market. When searching for the bad credit card card that is best suited to you, you should consider 4 things in particular: the minimum balance that you are required to maintain in the bank account, the credit limit that you will receive (i.e. the percentage of your bank account balance that you are allowed to spend on your bad credit card card),
the fees/other-charges applicable to the procurement of bad credit card card and the rate of interest that you will receive on the balance in your bank account. An ideal bad credit card card would have no fee/other-charges associated with it and would require zero or a very small amount as minimum bank balance. It would also have something like 90-100% of bank balance as its credit limit. Moreover, an ideal bad credit card card would also offer a good interest rate on the bank balance.

Bad credit card cards can indeed be of good intentions that provide respite to people with bad credit ratings by letting them heap the benefits of the credit card while they restore their credit rating.